Blog Category

Rural Living

Trivia Night Success at Liston Center

Trivia Night Success at Liston Center

July 2, 2024
Trivia Night at the Liston Center on June 28, themed "Summer Lovin'," saw 12 enthusiastic teams competing in a festive 50s atmosphere, raising over $3,000 for the kitchen renovation.
How Salmon Enterprises, a Local Farm, is Growing their Food Business

How Salmon Enterprises, a Local Farm, is Growing their Food Business

June 17, 2024
They knew selling beef directly to neighbors and other people was possible, but the connections made through New Growth connected them with buyers they might not have thought of on their own.
The Impact of New Growth Transit on Frequent Rural Medical Access

The Impact of New Growth Transit on Frequent Rural Medical Access

June 4, 2024
What's it like to live in rural Missouri, need access to frequent medical care, but can’t drive yourself? Read about Gary and James, New Growth Transit riders who had limited choice in transportation.
Festival of Games 2024

Festival of Games 2024

May 28, 2024
At the heart of community action is Community! Join us for fun events hosted across West Central Missouri this summer in support of providing access to opportunities and choices for our neighbors and rural communities.
Wheels of Kindness: The Impact of Volunteer Transportation

Wheels of Kindness: The Impact of Volunteer Transportation

May 15, 2024
New Growth Transit addresses the challenge of limited transportation choices in rural communities. With over 500,000 miles of transportation provided, the demand is huge, and volunteer drivers find meaning from their service.
Project Brings Rural Business Life to Light

Project Brings Rural Business Life to Light

December 18, 2023
Bringing rural life to light – showing the everyday innovation and enterprise of people in rural Missouri – is the focus of the Rural Business Photo Stories Project at New Growth, a nonprofit community economic development organization based in west-central Missouri.
What is Credit Building? Watch this.

What is Credit Building? Watch this.

November 27, 2023
A credit check is part of almost anything you try to do these days … get a job, get a home, insure your car … . A good credit score will save you money and open doors.
Credit Score: From Zero to 700

Credit Score: From Zero to 700

May 10, 2023
St. Clair County, Missouri, resident Matt Anderson moved his credit score from zero to 700 in less than six months with the help of nonprofit New Growth’s free credit building program.
Flower Power: What Small Shops Tell Us About Rural Revival

Flower Power: What Small Shops Tell Us About Rural Revival

January 5, 2023
Every local business is an asset from which new growth can emerge if we tend to the power of microenterprises, like micro-organisms in soil, to support new life. This is the essence of our mission at New Growth CDC.
Workforce Action Opportunity

Workforce Action Opportunity

November 8, 2021
A major regional workforce study and next steps for funding west central Missouri action were the topic recently of the START HERE Business Acceleration Network’s bimonthly community partner meeting. View recording here.
Our Rural Housing Opportunity; Using rural solutions to solve rural issues

Our Rural Housing Opportunity; Using rural solutions to solve rural issues

July 1, 2021
“If we don’t have affordable housing, our communities can’t move forward.”
Housing needed for rural revival

Housing needed for rural revival

May 18, 2021
A lack of housing options could nip new rural opportunity in the bud. Can the west central Missouri region muster the private-public collaboration and innovation needed to ramp up housing supply? This question is the topic of a “5th Monday” regional networking luncheon 12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Monday May 24.