Entrepreneurship event features our region

Global Entrepreneurship Week is an international celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups and bring ideas to life. Founded by the Kauffman Foundation in 2008, it has since expanded to more than 160 countries.

This year, west central Missouri’s START HERE Business Acceleration Network joins the Global Entrepreneurship Week-Kansas City lineup with three sessions focused on rural entrepreneurship.
Sign up now for these and more than 50 other FREE sessions. They are all designed to provide entrepreneurs with practical and powerful support.
START HERE offers three sessions at Global Entrepreneurship Week – Kansas City:
When: Nov 17, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: 1-2-3 Rural Entrepreneurs! — Start Here. Grow Here. Stay Here.
Learn how our rural Missouri region is building an inclusive economy.
1: Include neighbors who are stuck in the economic margins.
2: Connect partners into a referral and technical assistance network.
3: Build bankable business borrowers with credit building and micro-enterprise financing
PRESENTERS: Kelly Asbury, Small Business Development Center at State Fair Community College; Patty Cantrell, New Growth CDC; Sheridan Garman-Neeman, Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission; Lisa Zimmerman, West Central Missouri Community Action Agency.
When: Nov 18, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Local Food – Online Sales How-To
Learn from farmers who have done it! Taking your local food products and marketing online is a must in the current pandemic and as internet shopping grows. This webinar is part of west central Missouri’s rural entrepreneur-building initiative: Start Here. Grow Here. Stay Here.
PRESENTER: Katie Nixon – with Greengate Family Farm, Kansas City Food Hub, West Central Missouri Community Action Agency
When: Nov 19, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Starting Your Business in a Rural Market
It’s the same, but different. Rural entrepreneurs face some very specific rural challenges when getting started. The same business plan components are involved but the business environment can be quite different. This webinar is part of west central Missouri’s rural entrepreneur support system: Start Here. Grow Here. Stay Here.
PRESENTER: Kelly Asbury, Small Business Development Center at State Fair Community College