The Business of Child Care

Building on insights from the recent report, Solving Missouri's Child Care Puzzle, this webinar series will advance the discussion and explore actionable shared service solutions for child care in Missouri.

12/2/2024 12:00 PM
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The Business of Child Care
Solving Missouri's Child Care Puzzle Webinar Series - Missing Piece: Central Office Support

Hosted online by by New Growth Women’s Business Center and University of Missouri Extension. If not able to attend all, recordings will also be available to those who register.

Webinar 1 - The Business of Child Care

To increase the number and quality of child care options, we must understand what it takes to operate a child care business. This webinar provides an up-close look at the daily reality of the mostly small and home-based businesses that make up the unique and highly regulated child care sector. Presenters will highlight the types of business support that childhood education providers need to survive and thrive.

Speakers -

· Paula Drew, Director of Early Care and Education Policy and Research, Wisconsin Early Child Association

Paula Drew led development and growth of the Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network, which serves more than 2,000 early childhood education provider members. She recently published the child care business development guidebook Build it Strong!

· Johanna Borden, Business Management Consultant at Opportunities Exchange (OppEx)

Johanna Borden leads the work at early childhood education shared services leader Opportunities Exchange to combine business coaching with the automation support of Child Care Management Systems (CCMS) to streamline business management, data collection and regulatory compliance.  

About the Child Care Report

With nearly half of Missouri’s young children living in "child care deserts," a new report from the New Growth Women’s Business Center and University of Missouri Extension, proposes a business-oriented solution: shared services or central office support for small and home-based child care providers.

Register to attend the December webinar series about shared service solutions in childcare.